Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sick Note: The Movie

February 20, 2014

So Monday was President's Day, which is usually a day off for the kids.  But they needed a makeup day for all the snow days, so they chose Monday.  Then we got a lot of snow and they declared it a snow day.  Who says the universe doesn't have a sense of irony?  So by Monday night, Sophie wasn't feeling well.  Then she had a fever which set off her asthma.  Three days and three prescriptions later, she is finally ready to go to school.  That is, if they have school tomorrow, because we are having yet another snowmageddin and they have already delayed classes....

But here is the note.  It is the first one I've had to email to the teacher because I don't want to spend $50 replacing ink cartridges for the printer.  

And yes, I used the names of her music teacher for music, art teacher for art direction, etc.  It fit too well.  Thanks to Jeremy for the brainstorming for the rest of the credits....